Friday 17 December 2010

The false friends of the Commune of Tarnac

translated from cette semaine

Indy Nantes, Saturday, December 11, 2010 - 18:47

[All that is argued here, despite strong similarities with simple gratuitous and wicked nonsense, is actually taken from the text we are speaking about, an interview given to Le Figaro, the Sunday newspaper and other policy interventions like the La Chaine Parlementaire ]

A few days ago, a supposedly libertarian website published a call dating from December 1st signed " Friends of the Commune of Tarnac”. You can read it here:

Every day many of us look for info and news on the net about social conflict: stories of struggle, strikes, occupations, riots in the streets, the prisons and detention centres, action communiques, or theory to enrich our analysis. Each seeks what they need in their struggle for their own emancipation, aware, however, that the Internet is not a neutral tool.

But to fall upon such a disgrace, ..and we would not have made such a fuss about it if it had been an advertisement for the Abbé Pierre Foundation. That call out for subscription gives nothing to our struggles and revolts, it is just an appeal to poor people struggling in their daily lives (the email addresses and the sites chosen for the publication of this text show), to give their money for the golden retirement of a few radicals resigned against any effective insurrectionary upheaval and retreated into the outbacks. Far be it from us to condemn those who can't hold out, losing the hope and energy to do physical battle with this world, so long as they don't come begging for pennies to fund their activist holiday that could instead be used for the development of struggles and theoretical and practical tools such as brochures, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, places, banners, leaflets, etc. The question of money is rarely discussed among us ... But yes, all that is expensive, especially when very few people produce and many benefit. And we do not all have "endowments" with tax exemptions, generally many of us pay little or no taxes at all.
First, the call for subscription begins with a phrase that has a knack for getting us angry, "We are not writing to you today to tell you about the dark procedural maze in which justice is seeking to enclose some of us, and we are still trying to get out of.” Good thing you were not talking of your strategy any-means-are-good defence, of the cynicism that characterizes your media appearances. Good thing you do not throw back in our faces your dirty scale attitude, explaining to honourable anti-terrorist judge that instead of arresting you, he should have explored "the German trail” (leading to arrests and interrogations in Germany). To explain to the whole world that you're just nice intellectuals and drawing room philosophers who only discuss the world around the fire, daisies in their hair, proclaiming your innocence everywhere while comrades bet to assume all the possible terms and categories of the enemy, languishing in the hole at the same time as you did. And we pass over your media community front with deputies, senators, mayors, judges, cops etc.. to scrape the bottom of the barrel of the left and find a new republican and citizenship cause for your vile characters. It is indeed tempting to imagine this sturdy one wearing glasses, in jeans and red sweater that the State accuses of being a dangerous terrorist, but who serves you a chocolate cake, especially since when we were younger we loved batman. "All means are good for getting our friends out of prison," it was said, in that case you only have to denounce or denounce your other friends for the alleged acts.
"If we have moved to Tarnac it is of course for its old tradition of resistance to central authority, popular mutual aid, and rural communism that survived there. "You forgot to mention that if you installed in Tarnac it's also because Gerard Coupat, having amassed his fortune in small death laboratories of the pharmaceutical industry, graciously offered you a property and a few companies. But is Gerard broke now? So it's now up to us to fund your "grocery-bar" and "workers' meals" at 12 € as you presented them to your friends in show business a few months ago. But we know that you are "athletes of the mind", you will find out a way to get a few young people who lack perspectives who at other times would have swelled the ranks of a Woodstock or Krishnas to swallow all that.

"Now we are embarking on the installation of a sawmill and a wood shop to build low-cost habitats for those who come to repopulate the plateau. The project is clear, start a new settlement on the style of rural post-sixty-eighters, who indeed, if we draw any record, would really have successfully revolutionized the world.

Let me be clear, if you want to ensure your escape from the social war (we avoid class along with you) by milking cows, good for you, but do not come begging to those who struggle and live in the vast majority of cases in precariousness.

Hold up the editions de la Fabrique, go get the money where it lies, empty the wallets of the bourgeois who have supported you and with whom your moving account of Poujadist teletubbies, model traders, innocence itself, persecuted by a power so unfair that your small eco-human business threatened with its claws of freedom. And please, at the same time as you stop racketeering us (emotionally and financially), stop taking with you all that is young, naive and sincere in making them believe that the revolution will be made by producing one's own drywall (placo-platre) bio.

"Now something tells us that it is not the State which, under present circumstances, will support us in this worthy direction." We will pray that other emergent circumstances in which the State might wish to finance your small holiday camp, but maybe only strategically, making entryism into Club Med could enable you to build a Tarnac Club Med reserved for the left of the left. A strategy that would therefore trigger an insurgency without having to go through too subversive means such as the petition. Undoubtedly, your mentor, Blanqui, if he were still alive, would come and strip ducks at your side.

What we can admire in you is that you do not do things by halves, with you a simple call for financial support becomes a "structure", "an endowment fund”, which will allow us (really, thank you) "to give money and deduct two thirds of our donations from your taxes," be careful however not to let Habitat compete too much with Humanism on the charity market, which also works to bandage the wounds of this world and gets tax exemptions. "It aims to collect and redistribute funds to initiatives for reinvigorating the plateau." Because yes, our regions have talent!

Comrades! If you really have money to burn, send it instead to solidarity funds and local initiatives that you want to see existing. But for the realists, those who want to act here and now for the coming insurrection, simply fill out this form:

Angry antiauthoritarian

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